Inclusivity and Injustice


Inclusion is a challenge and much injustice exists.

Some characteristics of humans are protected by law and some are not.

Some organisations are legally allowed to be outside of such laws.

For the good of humankind, different lenses and different voices need to be heard with equal opportunity and power.

Our increasing awareness and understanding of the importance of inclusion and the relief of injustice has knowledge at its core – attitudes and perceptions are changing – and serious attention around learning and unlearning, transformational learning and transformational unlearning is still very much needed.

This stream encourages work in the following topics:

  • Transformational learning and unlearning in inclusivity – individuals and organisations journeying from non-affirmer to affirmer in areas of disability, neurodiversity, sexuality, gender orientation, intellectuality, race, obesity, and any other aspects of being human.
  • Transformational unlearning around discrimination and harassment – developing knowledge and capacity to act.
  • Challenges around Knowledge Sharing with non-affirming or non-inclusive individuals or organisations, knowledge sharing for those who are cautious, uninterested and disinterested in inclusion. Knowledge sharing for the dismissive and micro-aggressive.
  • Digital learning, social media and AI knowledge creation and development around inclusivity and injustice.
  • Knowledge development around journeying of individuals and organisations around the inclusion and injustice landscape.
  • Development of trust.
  • Communication, messaging, reporting, voice, listening, and other aspects of transferring information and developing knowledge.
  • Employee Engagement approaches to developing inclusion practices and addressing injustice.
  • Measures of organisational justice – distribution, procedural, interactional, informational – and impact on inclusion and injustice.
  • Social justice and injustice – voice, interactions, theories
  • Different perceptions of inclusion and organisational justice through the eyes of race, faith, sexual orientation, and all other lenses.
  • Using intersectionality knowledge (eg female, disabled, gay and autistic) to understand injustice, inequality, oppression and disadvantage.
  • Injustice relating to physical borders and barriers eg refugees, nationality, culture, language, resource sharing.
  • Spiritual knowledge management and inclusivity within faith organisations – revisiting, de-constructing and re-constructing faith teachings and traditions to bring about inclusivity.
  • Change, transition, organisational development models, dialogue, conversation and actions that contribute to inclusive practice and reduction of injustice.

Julia Claxton PhD (Cognitive Psychology)
Leeds Business School
Leeds Beckett University, UK