Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Marcos Ferasso 


Dr Marcos Ferasso holds a bachelor’s degree and is a specialist in business management (Unoesc/Brazil), an international specialist in local development (ILO-UN/Italy), a master’s degree in administration (UFRGS/Brazil) with a master’s internship (Euromed-Marseille Ecole de Management/France), and a doctorate in administration (UFPR/Brazil) with a doctoral internship (Forsyth Technical Community College/USA). His doctorate was recognised in Portugal by the University of Aveiro. Dr Ferasso has completed four post-doctoral studies at Faculdade Meridional (Brazil) with a post-doctoral internship (KEDGE Business School/France), KEDGE Business School, Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) and Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Brazil) with a post-doctoral internship (Università degli Studi di Ferrara/Italy). Dr Ferasso is an assistant professor at the Universidade Lusófona (Portugal), an associate researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile), and a visiting professor at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (Poland). Dr Ferasso has further training in strategic management of local and regional development (ECLAC/UN/Chile), and technology entrepreneurship: lab to market (Harvard Business School/USA). Dr Ferasso works in research, teaching and extension in general administration, innovation management, local/regional development, knowledge management, industrial clusters, innovation ecosystems, innovation strategy, entrepreneurship, SMEs, research methods, the luxury market, networked health organisations, the circular economy, sustainability, ESG and artificial intelligence in management.

Topic: Circular Economy and Business Endeavors: From Theory to Practice.



Dr. Radwan A. Kharabsheh

Dr. Radwan A. Kharabsheh finished a bachelor of science/physics from Yarmouk University in Jordan. He then did his MBA and PhD in international business from Charles Sturt University (CSU) Wagga Wagga NSW Australia where he taught full time. Dr Kharabsheh worked as head department of Business Administration and assistant dean international affairs at the Hashemite University Jordan. He also worked as the Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center at Applied Science University in Bahrain.
Dr Kharabsheh is the chief editor of International Journal of Knowledge management Application and Practice. His research interests include organizational learning, knowledge management and international joint ventures. He published more than 25 articles in referred journals, obtained numerous grants including fellowship of the Australia Malaysia Institute and attended more than 25 international conferences. Dr Kharabsheh is member of ANZIBA, ANZMAC, ECKM, TAKE and the Sydney University Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies. He supervised and headed more than 25 postgraduates’ Vivas, supervised more than 30 students and works a
reviewer and examiner for numerous journals and international conferences.
Topic: Knowledge Hiding in Organizations