
The Organizing Team of TAKE 2024

The University 

Universidade Lusófona, located in the center of Lisbon and Porto, is the largest private university in Portugal. Since 1998, its objectives have been “teaching and research in the various fields of science, culture and technology, from an interdisciplinary perspective and, especially, in order to promote the development of Portuguese-speaking countries and peoples”.

Currently Universidade Lusofona has in Portugal,  17000 students
in Porto and Lisbon, attending 65 Bachelor courses, 30 Masters
and 17 PhD within  14 research centres.  For more information see: Lusófona University (

The Lusofona Group works also in four Portuguese speaking countries, namely Brasil, Angola, Cape-Vert and Guinea-Bissau.


The Faculty 

ECEO – the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Organizations,

currently has 7 Undergraduated Courses and  6 Master Courses,


The Conference Team 

            Eduardo Tomé, Associate Professor at ECEO

       Ana Brasão – Dean of ECEO

  Carlos Rouco – Head of Aeronautic Course at                                                                                                         ECEO

  Pedro Quintero – Head of HRM Masters at ECEO

E4 Conferences 

In what concerns the financial matters TAKE 2023 will be managed by E4 Conferences, a legally registered private company located in Lisbon, Portugal.