The technological progress in information and communication technologies supports new forms of organizations, business models and products and shifts the boundaries of innovation to teams and networks. For entrepreneurs, this creates both new opportunities and new challenges. The opportunities may lead to new or improved products/services/business models etc. the challenges may lead to further information overload, uncertainties regarding where to go and how. Moreover new risks related to the increasing use of new technologies as well the increasing connectivity present themselves which require from the entrepreneurs a profound investigation of the issues at hand to make sure that the initiatives started, the innovation adopted/introduced are truly sustainable. This underlines that the new developments and trends call for even more knowledge and intellectual capital (IC) management.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- What are the Intellectual Capital drivers for sustainable business development?
- How can we communicate about IC internally with peers and externally to markets and partners?
- How could we leverage IC as strategic assets to sustainably compete in the digital economy?
- Which methods and instruments are suitable to specifically support entrepreneurs in managing IC?
- How can organizations systematically develop critical IC/knowledge for sustainable business development?
- How can organizations measure the contribution of IC/knowledge in the different stages of the innovation process?
- In the context of networks how to find a good trade off between knowledge sharing and knowledge protection?
- Which cases provide IC-related challenges or good practices to learn of from forward-thinking entrepreneurs?
Track Chairs
Susanne Durst
Reykjavik University, Reykjavík, Iceland
Susana Figueiredo Oliveira UPT
Universidade Portucalense